March 2019 Board Meeting Minutes
March 26, 2019
7:01-7:16 pm
PRESENT: Robert Jourdan, Laurel Blanco, Kristy Larsen, Misty Alseth, Brian Johnston, Chris McGinness, Shannon Alyea, Michelle Mathis, Christi Mullet, Lisa Pratt, Mitchell Below, Vicki Sargent, Candi Richardson, Gwen Russell, Danielle Mitchell, Cody Brick, Erin Shull, Lori Wendt, Matt Erickson, Julie Ballard, Vanessa Stedman and Erin Zackey
GUESTS: Sachi Webb, Vincent Gist, Jaaziel Sanchez, Judy Hendrix, Jill Suico, Lisa LeVasseur, Peggy Farah, Knut Knutsen, Linde & Brian Lawrence, Montse Healy, Ululani Ahina, Rory Graves, Michelle Meary, Hava Skovran, Karilee Aoki, Georgi Jenkins,
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Jourdan at 7:01. Mr. Jourdan thanked us for coming to the March 2019 board meeting.
Ms. Mathis shared Dr. McDuffy, our Superintendent, came to Maplewood for an optional staff meeting. She shared the story of how we have come to a 17.5 million shortfall. There is a flyer she provided. Ms. Mathis has known Dr. McDuffy for many years and values her mission and communications. Ms. Mathis shared we need to finish this year strong and head toward a year where everyone is headed toward significant cuts. Dr. McDuffy asked us to think about our core vision for our students, how will our students be impacted, our teachers and our families. Ms. Mathis shared as part of her Native upbringing to think about seven generations and how our decisions impact out seven generations.
Ms. Mathis shared tomorrow the family survey will be in the Newsflash. It will be provided in six different languages. Ms. Mathis is proud that it is being provided in multiple languages and wants a big push for participation. Paper copies will be provided for families and translators can also be provided. Ms. Mathis will share the results with the parent group and be transparent about what we are doing well and what we can improve.
As part of improvements across the district, Maplewood will have 30+ cameras inside and out. They are not in the bathrooms or instructional spaces. These are video only, not audio. These are part of a previous bond, so where already funded. The next steps will be key fobs, which are a much more economical way to provide keys. Exterior doors will be on timers and will only open on recess or with a fob to improve safety from an exterior threat. Magic mushroom will be in the office and you can push the button in the event of an emergency and all exterior doors will be locked. There was a question about emergency personnel entering the building. There is a key box and a code.
Ms. Blanco confirmed the board had received the February 2019 Board and March 2019 Parent meeting minutes. Ms. Blanco added there would be an update to the parent meeting minutes to change spelling on a last name and indicate Mr. Jourdan had thanked Ms. Gurgel for putting on International night. Ms. Blanco asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes and if there were any revisions, comments or changes. Ms. Blanco called for motion to accept the following minutes:
February 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – Ms. Russell motioned to approve, and Ms. Larsen seconded. The minutes were approved with abstentions from Ms. Stedman, Ms. Wendt and Ms. Zackey.
March 2019 Parent Meeting Minutes – Mr. Johnston motioned to approve, and Ms. Russel seconded. The minutes were approved with abstentions from Mr. Mitchell and Ms. Pratt.
Mr. Johnston shares pledges are exactly where we were last year. We are at 62%. Ten months out of the year we should be at 70%, so we are a little bit behind. Hopefully, we will see those dollars made up. We are tracking well, because of Maplewood Madness. Emails will go out next month for where each family is at with pledges.
Budget Committee is meeting April 16th, not the 18th, because that is the Art Show. The committee is open to all to attend. Mr. Johnston would like to get more people involved with the committee. Mr. Johnston also asked for proposals if you have ideas. Those are due by March 31st and there are forms in the parent room and online. Mr. Jourdan asked if proposals have been received. Mr. Johnston indicated some had been received. Ms. Alyea asked with the budget shortfall in our district are there items known that will be needed. Ms. Mathis shared they will not be far enough along in their process and thanked her for asking.
Mr. Johnston shared the 4th grade field trip to the HiBulb Cultural Center. Mr. Johnston also shared the 4th grade field trip to Olympia and the Garden Club. They planted over 100 bulbs. Mr. Johnston shared these are our PCEP dollars at work.
A detailed Treasurer’s Report can be viewed on our website every month at
Open Floor:
A concern about the move of the 8th grade graduation date being moved. Ms. Mathis shared this is a schoolhouse decision. Ms. Mathis shared we lost six instructional days because of the snow and to wrap up the year before getting those back would be difficult. The ceremony will be made June 25th at 6:00 pm. This decision was made based on instructional needs. This will be communicated with families.
With no further business to discuss, Mr. Jourdan thanked everyone and adjourned the meeting at 7:16 pm.
Submitted by Laurel Blanco.