April 2019 Parent Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2019
7:05 – 7:30
The Meeting called to order by Ms. Larsen at 7:05 PM. Ms. Larsen let us know that Mr. Jourdan had something come up, so Ms. Larsen is going to keep us on track with the agenda tonight.
PCEP News & Announcements
All-School Committees: Kristi Larsen
Ms. Larsen shared we need someone to chair the Maplewood Madness Auction. 9k was raised by the auction last year. The sound system is also open, the Green Team, the First Lego League, and Website Maintenance. PC Manager is about 9 years old, not maintained, not a server we own, so looking for an alternative to this system. You don’t have to be technical or a PM, looking for someone to solve problems and duties can be worked out for the PC Manager position.
Art Show: Priscilla O’Brien and Leah Rader
Ms. O’Brien shared they are chairing the Art Show. This position will be open next year. Ms. O’Brien shared it is a fun position and has been rewarding.
Ms. Rader shared the art show is April 18th from 6-8pm. The commons and gym are transformed into an art gallery and it is a chance to admire the art the children have done over the year.
The theme this year is StreetHearts, building community, connection and give a voice to people who might not otherwise feel empowered. It is an expression of people, heart and soul. Each class does a group project.
Ms. Rader shared that any interested 6th grader can design a poster as advertising. The winner’s poster was shown, which was done by Josie Vander Ploeg. Also, the 6th graders serve appetizers during the show, so check in with your 6th grader to see if they have signed up.
Ms. O’Brien shared there will be interactive activities, including chalk art. She reminded us to stay as long as your student as interested.
Nominating Committee: Brett Jackson
Mr. Jackson shared nominations have been open for about two weeks. We have about eight nominees and no one is willing to do the job for which they have been nominated. There is a lot of great positions open. Mr. Jackson made a mistake on the nomination form. It said the wrong classroom grades for open classroom grade level representative positions. These positions are a great way to contribute to the school. Nominations will be open an extra week until April 21st. What is open: President, VP of Classrooms, VP of Committees, Treasurer, Kindergarten, 2nd grade, 4th grade, 6th grade and 8th grade.
Ms. Mathis asked people to provide nominations and jokingly said you could have a free t-shirt if elected. Ms. Mathis thanked everyone for being here and thanked the new families who attended the Kindergarten orientation and stayed for the parent meeting.
Ms. Mathis shared in the newsflash there would be a repeat of information about taking the family survey, so that we can strive to be our best self. Ms. Mathis also reminded us the Sound System position is open for all-school.
Ms. Mathis gave a huge thank you to Lindsey Sims and Emily Lauckhart for their hours, the casting was superb, the set and it was a beautiful show. Thank you for your blood, sweat and tears.
Ms. Mathis also thanked Christi Mullet and Erin Zackey for the game night for families to be able to stay and play games. It was something new we tried this year and something hopefully that will come back next year. Hopefully we can have more events that allow us to come play with our kids and don’t cost money.
Ms. Mathis was asked to provide an update about where we are after Maplewood Center and Maplewood Co-Op merged. We have 22 classes. We have learners of all abilities. We have a school that has high standards and wants to challenge children of all ability levels. We are better because of the diversity of our learners. Ms. Mathis shared at the Kindergarten orientation, we have 47 students who are English language learners and that is a blessing. We have 14 different languages spoken within our parent cooperative and we come from all corners of the world. Ms. Mathis shared a definition of inclusion and thinking about people with disabilities. Ms. Mathis shared the best part is integration when students of all abilities are learning alongside each other in academic integration. Ms. Mathis shared some pictures of children showing ways they are integrated: From Mrs. Fitzgerald’s class 8 of 10 kids attend art, 4 students attend morning meetings, 1 student attends 5th grade music two times per week, 4th and 5th grade lunch buddies come to their class every day, 4th grade reading buddies come to the class 3 days per week, all students in intensive support are included in field trips as possible, 4th grade buddies go swimming, 4th and 5th grade buddies are included in celebrations and two students are in the chorus. Ms. Mathis then shared a video. The sound was not working, which was tested ahead of time. It is hard to hear, so Ms. Mathis narrated it. In the video from Ms. Hogue’s classroom, there is a student learning to read and he is reading the message with his second-grade peers in Ms. Hogue’s classroom. Ms. Hogue has also included the children into reader’s theater. We have gone from that model of next to each other learning to really learning together. Ms. Mathis wanted to share where we started and where we are now. We have a long way to go, but we are getting there. Ms. Mathis thanked us for embracing learners of all abilities, for being here tonight and for nominating people for open PCEP Leadership positions.
Mr. Johnston thanked Ms. Mullet and Ms. Zackey for organizing the game night. Mr. Johnston shared he loves the Maplewood Community. Mr. Johnston doesn’t get to be in the classroom, so being on the board provides the opportunity to build relationships. There are a lot of great, open positions. There is a time commitment, but it is not overburdensome to your life. There is a lot more to be gained.
Budget Committee is coming up on the 16th of April. There are a couple of volunteers for the Budget Committee and Mr. Johnston would like a few more. This committee is about what we are going to spend our PCEP dollars on, so it is important. Mr. Johnston will send out materials ahead of time to those who let him know they will be attending. The meeting is in the library at 6pm on April 16th. If you have budget proposals, please get them to Mr. Johnston.
Mr. Johnston shared we are at 43,000 for the year with pledges. We are 70% through the year and we are at 61% of where we want to be for pledges. We are behind. Chris will send an email about where we are at with our pledges within the next week or two.
Mr. Johnston shared a couple pictures of where our pledge dollars go, showing 4th graders on two field trips. Mr. Johnston also shared a picture of the garden club.
Ms. Larsen asked us to pay the pig, look at the lost and found items and asked us to sign. With no further business to discuss, Ms. Larsen adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm.
Submitted by Laurel Blanco.