September 2018 Board Meeting Minutes


September 25, 2018


7:01 – 7:48

PRESENT:  Robert Jourdan, Misty Alseth, Laurel Blanco, Brian Johnston, Chris McGinness, Shannon Alyea, Michelle Mathis, Christi Mullet, Lisa Pratt, Vanessa Stedman, Mitchell Below, Candi Richardson, Matt Erickson, Vicki Sargent, Lori Wendt, Erin Zackey, Julie Ballard, Gwen Russell, Danielle Mitchell, Cody Brick, and Erin Shull

ABSENT: Kristi Larsen and Tanya Brinck

GUESTS:  Jennifer More, Jill Suico, Tony Fowler, Rob Radovich, Deborah Krieger, Montse Healy, Yemeserach Yosep, Jennifer Wilcox, Charlene Freyberg, Jacquelyn Mart, and Nathan Theodros


The Meeting called to order by Mr. Jourdan at 7:01 PM. Mr. Jourdan welcomed everyone to the meeting. He shared we had our Executive Committee meeting, which will be changed this year, so it is not prior to the board meeting. One of the topics discussed at the Executive Meeting, was to remind people about appropriate use of the PCEP Directory. It is for PCEP business, not for advertising. The website will be updated to remind people the PCEP directory is for PCEP-related use. Mr. Jourdan also shared we need to correct the message that Maplewood Madness is our biggest fundraiser. People heard at our parent meeting that Maplewood Madness is our biggest fundraiser, when in fact, it is our PCEP Pledge System. We are in the process of trying to increase our pledges, so will emphasize the importance of pledges. Mr. Johnston will present information to support this message. PayPal was also discussed and will be discussed in more detail later tonight.


Ms. Mathis gave the schoolhouse report. Ms. Mathis wants to try something new with the school house report to have a brief narrative and then showcase students and families learning.

Twenty-six staff members participated in Anecdote Tourniquet CPR (ACT) training and participants who went through the training receive a tourniquet, which will be added to our emergency preparedness kits.

Ms. Mathis also highlighted photos of buddies working alongside each other, which is a special part of Maplewood. Ms. Mathis also shared photographs of children in Kindergarten engaging with each other. Ms. Mathis wants the format of the School House Report to be more engaging and utilize resources from the district, so she will be bringing speakers. Possible topics include: internet safety, reciprocal learning, safety (we are slated to receive cameras and updates to our lock system) and equity & outreach. Ms. Mathis is open to ideas, which can be emailed to her. Ms. Mathis also mentioned our certification and award as a Washington Green School. Ms. Schlinger, Ms. Morel, Ms. Peppin, and Mr. Matt were the heart and soul of winning this award. Maplewood was awarded a flag and plaque showcasing our accomplishments.


Ms. Blanco confirmed the board had received the August 2018 Board Meeting Minutes and asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes and if there were any revisions, comments or changes. Mrs. Blanco called for motion to accept the meeting minutes. Mr. Brick motioned to accept the August 2018 Board Meeting Minutes and the motion was seconded by Mr. Below. The minutes were approved unanimously without any abstentions.

Ms. Blanco confirmed the board had received the September 2018 Parent Meeting Minutes. Ms. Alyea asked if there was a reason the board was approving the Parent Meeting minutes versus having them approved at the Parent Meeting given the parent group meets on a regular basis. Mr. Jourdan confirmed the board approves the minutes for publication. Ms. Alyea believes if the parent body meets on a regular basis, then they should approve the minutes. Mr. Jourdan indicates the board approves for publication and historically it has been done this way, but that we could look into it. Mr. Johnston indicated the process has been approving parent meeting minutes at board meetings. Ms. Alyea indicates if we keep this process in this room, then there are others who don’t get to provide input or corrections. Ms. Sargent asked if the secretary keeps records about how the meetings are supposed to be run. Mr. Jourdan indicated we run meetings based on the bylaws and this is not in the bylaws but indicated it could be reviewed. Ms. Alyea will follow up on the process and report back. Ms. Mathis recommended a resource at the school district level, Chris Hanson. A decision was made to move forward with approval of September 2018 Parent meeting minutes, so we do not get behind on publication of minutes.

Ms. Blanco asked if everyone had a change to review the September 2018 Parent Meeting minutes and if there were any questions or changes. Ms. Blanco asked for a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. Mullet motioned to approve the September 2018 Parent Meeting Minutes and Ms. Alseth seconded. The minutes were approved with abstentions from Mr. Brick and Ms. Alyea.


Mr. Johnston discussed PayPal and adding the 3% fee to the pledge. PayPal does not allow us to do this. Mr. Johnston did find out our percentage should actually be 2.2%, because we are non-profit, so paperwork has been filed to bring down our fees. Mr. Johnston discusses making a motion to use submit a surplus proposal to continue with PayPal, because of the interest from parents. Mr. Jourdan indicates some board discretionary funds could be used to cover the fees. Mr. Johnston indicates a surplus proposal could be for the majority. There was also discussion about reminding parents about the 2.2% fee and transaction fee and transaction fee and educating them about how much it costs and encouraging them to include it in their pledge. Mr. Johnston believes approximately 30% include the fee in their pledge. There is concern it will be hard for it to go away the longer we continue having it. Mr. Jourdan indicates we did not have the data for it for the budget for this year but could budget it going forward. Mr. Johnston indicates the fee came from the pledges, which could have been why the pledges were down and we might not need a surplus proposal, because it could be part of the pledge budget line items. A question was raised about Venmo and their fees involved. Mr. Jourdan asks if Venmo was reviewed as a vendor. Ms. Richardson believes Venmo was reviewed and believes there was a reporting issue with Venmo. Mr. Mitchell asked about the notes field in PayPal to make it more efficient for the Treasurer. Mr. Johnston indicates there is not a way to improve it or make a custom field, so we need to educate people to put information in the notes field. Discussion ensues about educating parents about the cost of using PayPal and to provide examples about how much the fee is for the monthly or yearly cost. Conversation returns to reminding parents about the cost for the convenience of PayPal. There is also a question about bank transfers, but this is also problematic, because it comes through as an ACH without specific information and can also have charges associated. Mr. McGinness reminds us about the clarity needed for the pledge email information. Mr. Johnston also looked into the program the school district is using, but the fee associated is 7.5%. Mr. Johnston asks thoughts about the board continuing with PayPal. There is some conversation about preference of the program being self-sufficient and not using classroom money. Mr. Jourdan reminds us the program will end in September if we don’t approve to continue the use of PayPal tonight. There is discussion about $660 seeming like a large amount of the surplus. The cost could be higher in the future as the electronic option builds popularity assuming people don’t cover the fee. Mr. Johnston indicates we can share the suggested donation amount to cover the fee amount. Conversation returns to the district option for the convenience, but Mr. Johnston shares he feels like it is a disservice at 7.5%. Mr. Jourdan clarifies the opposition appears to be to the surplus proposal, not to PayPal, so we will educate people about the fee and encourage them to cover it. If not, then it will be covered through the pledge line items. Information will be shared out in the newsflash.

Mr. Johnston calls for a motion. Mr. Mitchell moves we continue PayPal, track it in the budget as a line item and educate our parents on the payment options available to them and what the preferable method are for payments. Ms. Alseth seconds. The motion was approved unanimously with no abstentions.

Mr. Johnston’s focus this year is to share about the pledge dollars and what it supports in our classrooms. Ms. Berry was able to buy some new hooki stools, Ms. Shull purchased dice bonk for overhand throwing skills and a handball game was also purchased. Our pledge dollars buy awesome resources, so these will be highlighted.

Surplus Timeline:

PCEP Parent Meeting – Surplus Presented: September 11, 2018
Reminder at Parent Meeting Proposals Due October 12th: October 9, 2018
Surplus Proposals Due to Committee: October 12, 2018
Surplus Committee Reviews Proposals: October 16, 2018
PCEP Board – Approves Committee Proposals: October 23, 2018
PCEP Parent Meeting – Approval of Surplus Spending: November 13, 2018


Mr. Jourdan still needs a couple more people to participate on the surplus committee. Those who are interested can email Mr. Jourdan. The Surplus Committee will review the proposals on October 16th at 7pm in the library.


Ms. Mullet thanks Mr. Johnston for his work sharing out pledge highlights and asks if he can put in the news flash. Ms. Alyea also indicates we could share above and beyond skill or time contributions, because people donate in different ways.


A detailed Treasurer’s Report can be viewed on our website every month at


Open Floor:

Ms. Stedman asks about a presentation about Gun Sense in America, which is nonpartisan and non-political and if it could be presented at a parent meeting. Mr. Jourdan indicates the process is to bring a proposal to the Executive Committee.


Ms. Sargent shares about bistro tables, which make for nice standing options, but indicates she cannot fill out a surplus proposal. Mr. Jourdan asks the reason she cannot complete a proposal. Ms. Sargent indicates it wouldn’t be for her classroom. Ms. Mathis tells Ms. Sargent to check and see if there is a teacher who would like it and then Ms. Sargent could work in partnership to write a proposal. Ms. Mathis adds these tables can be very expensive.


With no further business to discuss, Mr. Jourdan adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm.

Submitted by Laurel Blanco.





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