April 2019 Board Meeting Minutes


April 23, 2019


7:01-7:48 pm

PRESENT:  Robert Jourdan, Laurel Blanco, Kristy Larsen, Misty Alseth, Brian Johnston, Shannon Alyea, Michelle Mathis, Christi Mullet, Lisa Pratt, Mitchell Below, Candi Richardson, Gwen Russell, Danielle Mitchell, Cody Brick, Erin Shull, Lori Wendt, Matt Erickson, Julie Ballard, Vanessa Stedman and Erin Zackey

ABSENT: Chris McGinness and Vicki Sargent

GUESTS:  Leul Bogde, Erin Lehr, Brett Jackson, Geoff Friesen, Sunderland Marparita, Jessica Peterson, Julie Schlinger, Gretchen Pawling, Kimberly Petit, Kristin Eastland, Jared Castor, Jill Suico, Montse Healy, Jennifer Willcox, Larry Blue, Samraulit Abay, Charlene Freyberg, Julie Rose, and Joanie Allen


The meeting was called to order by Mr. Jourdan at 7:01. Mr. Jourdan thanked us for coming and let everyone know that the PPG Committee had turned a summary of their findings. The findings would be reviewed and discussed next month.


Ms. Mathis thanked those that put on and came out for the amazing art show.

Ms. Mathis provided an update on budget cuts. She informed us we were lucky to retain the same level of certificated staffing. All the elementary schools were losing the Assistant Principal position. Ms. Mathis asked us to thank Ms. Brinck for her time at Maplewood.

Ms. Mathis reminded us that state testing would begin and the Newsflash would have more information about the dates. She also reminded us to please take the family survey available online.


Ms. Blanco confirmed the board had received the March 2019 Board and April 2019 Parent meeting minutes. Ms. Blanco asked if everyone had a chance to review the minutes and if there were any revisions, comments or changes. Ms. Blanco called for motion to accept the following minutes:

March 2019 Board Meeting Minutes – Ms. Alseth motioned to approve, and Ms. Stedman seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously with no abstentions.

April 2019 Parent Meeting Minutes – Ms. Zackey motioned to approve, and Mr. Johnston seconded. The minutes were approved with an abstention from Mr. Brick.


Mr. Johnston discussed our pledges and informed us that we are at 68% and we should be at 80% of pledge budget.

Mr. Johnston then reviewed the information from the budget committee. The process includes reviewing last year’s budget, any budget requests, revenue and then cutting expenses if necessary.

The budget committee recommend an increase for pledges to 73% from 69% based on higher enrollment numbers incorporating 39 new students. Pledges will continue to be discussed, especially as we enter a time with budget cuts. We have never had a shortfall and have had a surplus, but the pledges are still important. The budget committee changed the Maplewood Madness budget to $15,000 from $17,500. Historically, we have done well, but there is always some uncertainty about the weather and if there will be a silent auction. The revenue was consistent with last year but reflects 496 students at Maplewood versus 470. Classroom expenses were kept the same at $120 per child but reflect the enrollment we expect in each grade. Middle enrichment was lowered, because historically that much has never been spent. Dare was eliminated, because that program is now incorporated into the classrooms through health education. Committees were increased or decreased based on request, for example diversity committee asked for a decrease to $450. Green Team was decreased now that all the supplies had been purchased and it had leveled out.

PC Manager was left out the budget, because there are still too many unknowns. The cost of finding a new solution is unknown.

Mr. Johnston plans to do a survey in the fall to get a pulse of folks and see what they feel about certain budget items, whether they enjoy the fundraising, etc.

A question came back up about pledges and why we are at 69%. There was a question about whether people understand what it costs to pay for a bus, field trip and whether there are people capable of contributing, but that they don’t understand what it goes toward. Mr. Johnston has been working to share highlights of our pledge dollars at work but would appreciate if there are any others who want to speak to it and add their voice to share why pledge dollars are important. Mr. McGinness is in the process of compiling all the pledge emails right now, so hopefully there will be a spike following those statements. There was more discussion about the pledge dollars and understanding the perspective or real reasons why people are not contributing. There was acknowledgement it is a difficult balance of gathering information without offending people. There were also questions if we could track who is opening the emails, since not all families attend parent meetings. There was also discussion about taking out the free and reduced numbers, which are currently about 11%.

Following this discussion Mr. Johnston asked for a motion to approve the 2019-2020 budget. Ms. Wendt moved to approve, and Mr. Jackson seconded. The 2019-2020 budget was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

A detailed Treasurer’s Report can be viewed on our website every month at maplewoodpcep.org

Nominating Committee: Brett Jackson

Mr. Jackson gave an update on the nominating committee and shared there were still a few openings – 1st grade rep., VP of Classrooms and Treasurer if Mr. Johnston wasn’t going to do it again. Mr. Jackson reminded us we want to vote those positions in at the next parent meeting, so please let him know if you know of anyone. Mr. Jackson confirmed they had a bio on everyone and those would be posted on the PCEP website. Ms. Alseth said she would happily speak to anyone about the responsibilities of the VP of Classrooms.

Open Floor:

Ms. Mathis shared the May Board Meeting would begin at 6:30 and have a meal provided for incoming and current officers.

Ms. Wendt discussed having 2 chairs for the Silent Auction. Mr. Jourdan confirmed the Executive Committee had discussed and not moved it forward, but she was welcome to come to the Executive Committee meeting next month to present more information. It was also mentioned that it would be good to have a MW Madness Intensive Support Lead.


With no further business to discuss, Mr. Jourdan thanked everyone and adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm.

Submitted by Laurel Blanco.


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