May 2019 Parent Meeting Minutes


May 7, 2019


7:03 – 7:48


The Meeting called to order by Mr. Jourdan at 7:03 PM. Mr. Jourdan asked everyone to sign in and pay the pig.

PCEP News & Announcements

Silent Auction: Stacy Chatburn

Ms. Chatburn is chairing the silent auction for Maplewood Madness this year with Sandy Wong. Ms. Chatburn gave a big thanks to Lisa Pratt for the last two years and all the hard work. Ms. Chatburn shared they are looking for donations or donation ideas. The auction is only twenty weeks away, so now is the time to secure items. They are also looking for additional volunteers to help with the silent auction.


Ms. Mathis thanked everyone for being there on top of all their commitments and for being part of your children’s lives. Ms. Mathis shared with heartful grace we are not impacted by the reductions in certificated staffing. We did lose the Assistant Principal position, so Ms. Brinck will not be returning next year. Ms. Mathis asked us to let Ms. Brinck know she was helpful to our children. Changes to classified staff (para educators, office personnel, custodial, etc.) are still being determined, but should be minimal.

Ms. Mathis said you may have read in a publication about class sizes. Ms. Mathis shared one of the privileges of Maplewood is controlling class size, so they don’t exceed trigger, which is the number for teachers to receive additional compensation. We don’t want to have really high-class sizes. We are plus 2 or 3 ahead of what the district projected averages. Ms. Mathis shared if you are interested in becoming politically involved, that she could provide contact information for legislatures to write about class sizes in 4th-6th and 7th-12th. They have done an excellent job of K-3 but stops short and we see a jump in enrollment.

Ms. Mathis shared we are reconfiguring grade bands to maximize relationships. Ms. Fitzgerald’s class will move to SW and second graders will move upstairs. Our 4th graders will move next to 5th graders. 6th grade will move to space traditionally labeled as middle school. As a district we are studying the 6th-8th combination for middle school as research shows that is second only to K-8. That being said with our 6th, 7th and 8th grade team down here greater opportunities for curriculum planning and demystify what happens in the middle school, support for students with special education goals and students who struggle in reading and math, group kids so we can serve them better at all ends of the learning continuum. Learning groups going on now and current 1st graders would be the first group of 6th-8th and there is a long time for planning, and we can streamline now because of our K-8 model.


Mr. Johnston shared with Amazon Smile we have received $906 given to Maplewood due to our purchases. Mr. Johnston urged us to continue to support and link all our purchases through Amazon.

Mr. Johnston reminded us as we approach the end of the year to submit all our outstanding expenses. The sooner the better is appreciated. Ms. Alyea processes those and turns them around quickly. Chris McGinness sent out emails about pledge status.

Mr. Johnston then spoke about the budget numbers and process. The budget was shared in the Newsflash and on the website. The process is on April 16 the budget committee met and determined a budget to submit to the board for approval. The board met last month and approved the budget for final approval. The budget was pretty straightforward. The pledges increased with increased enrollment in grades 4, 5, and 6. We used the same % we budgeted this year. Maplewood Madness was lowered by $2,500 to $15,000 since the silent auction is not a guarantee.

For the classroom budget of the $200 pledge each year, $120 of pledges go directly to the classroom. There are some changes based on projected enrollment (K-2 down and 4-6th higher). The other $80 goes toward things like art show. Middle school enrichment was reduced to what we typically spend, which is $4,000 instead of $4,500. The outdoor school expense is the bus $800. Dare was brought down to zero, because this curriculum is now incorporated into the classroom. Pledge dollars also support PE equipment. The administrative expenses didn’t really change. Mr. Johnston walked through the budget line item by line item. Reimbursables are money that comes in and goes right back out, like outdoor school.

There was a question from one of the parents about what gets funded versus what is outside. There was conversation amongst the parents and ultimately Mr. Johnston said if you want to advocate for a change or believe something should be funded, then bring it to the budget and present it. Mr. Johnston did say he plans to have a survey in the fall to see what is important to people and then we can have a hard conversation about what we want to budget. Mr. Jourdan reminded people to pay their pledges, make their commitments and rotations and asked people to step up. Mr. Jourdan shared this is his last year here and he loves this school and wants people to pay their pledges.

Mr. Johnston called for a motion to approve the budget. Robert Jourdan motioned to approve the 2019-2020 budget. Ryan Allred seconded. The budget was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

Diversity Committee: Katie Mehring

Ms. Mehring came to speak as a member of the Diversity Committee and give a diversity pep talk. This year we have talked about diversity, equity, and privilege. These important things can be hard to talk about and raising our kids is hard, but we can do these hard things. Ms. Mehring referred back to the mental privilege walk introduced earlier in the year. If that made you a little uncomfortable or a lot uncomfortable, then good, because yes, that is where work happens. We have to learn how to have difficult conversations. Ms. Mehring then recommended a book called So You Want to Talk About Race and read an excerpt from it about privilege. Ms. Mehring asked us to think about our allyship at Maplewood.

Nominating Committee: Brett Jackson

Mr. Jackson let us know that there are not any runoffs, so we just need to vote and approve the new board members. Mr. Jackson shared that a notice had gone out sharing the nominees for each position.

Mr. Jackson asked for a nomination to approve the Executive Committee and Schoolwide Positions:

Erin Zackey, President

Vanessa Stedman, VP of Committees

Janice Gaynor, VP of Classrooms

Brian Johnston, Treasurer

Laurel Blanco, Secretary

Chris McGinness, Assistant Treasurer #1

Shannon Alyea, Assistant Treasurer #2

Christi Mullet, Public Relations

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve the Executive Committee and School-Wide Positions for the 2019-2020 school year. Mark Lucas seconded. The motion was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

Mr. Jackson asked for motions to approve the incoming grade level board representatives:

Kindergarten: Maya Anderson

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Maya Anderson as the 2019-2020 Kindergarten Board Representative. Christine Mitchell seconded. The motional was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

1st grade: Vanessa Kuo

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Vanessa Kuo as the 2019-2020 1st Grade Board Representative. Jami Samione seconded. Vanessa Kuo was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

2nd Grade: Katie Mehring

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Kate Mehring as the 2019-2020 2nd Grade Board Representative. Breena Miller seconded. Katie Mehring was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

3rd Grade: Mitchell Below

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Mitchell Below as the 2019-2020 3rd Grade Board Representative. Breena Miller seconded. Mitchell Below was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

4th Grade: Daniel Studioso

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Daniel Studioso as the 2019-2020 4th Grade Board Representative. Mark Lucas seconded. Daniel Studioso was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

5th Grade: Matt Erickson

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Matt Erickson as the 2019-2020 5th Grade Board Representative. Jami Samione seconded. Matt Erickson was unanimously approved with no abstensions.

6th Grade: Vicky Sargent

Jason Floyd motioned to approve Vicky Sargent as the 2019-2020 6th Grade Board Representative. Breena Miller seconded. Vicky Sargent was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

7th Grade: Lori Wendt

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Lori Wendt as the 2019-2020 7th Grade Board Representative. Shannon Alyea seconded. Lori Wendt was unanimously approved with no abstentions.

8th Grade: Leah Harris

Janine Hernandez motioned to approve Leah Harris as the 2019-2020 8th Grade Board Representative. Priscilla O’Brien seconded. Leah Harris was unanimously approved with no abstentions.


Mr. Jourdan thanked Brett, the nominating committee and budget committee. Ms. Mathis shared her deep appreciation to Amy, Misty and Amber for leading staff appreciation week. With no further business to discuss, Mr. Jourdan adjourned the meeting at 7:48 pm.

Submitted by Laurel Blanco.



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